Information on:

Saginaw On Stage Music Festival

About Us:

15 bands, three stages, one building

Each year, Rotary Club of Saginaw uses the proceeds from Saginaw on Stage for various humanitarian and civic efforts, locally and globally. This year this includes:

Girl Scouts of the Great Lakes Bay Region

Girls have become leaders through Girl Scouting, growing into strong and confident women. Outreach funding will ensure that all girls will have the opportunity to become Girl Scouts. Outreach programming provides safe places and resources to girls who are faced with growing up too fast. The Outreach Programming curriculum is focusing on STEM activities and leadership skills. Girls are served through Saginaw Outreach programs at Samaritas Community Center, First Ward, Boys and Girls Clubs in Saginaw and Carrollton, and at afterschool programs at Jessie Rouse and Jessie Loomis. Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan brings the benefits of Girl Scouting to those girls who need us most.

Saginaw Police Department Technology Project

Proceeds from the Saginaw on Stage donation will be used to purchase various pieces of equipment for the Saginaw Police Department, including updated digital cameras, mobile fingerprint kits, and other equipment for the patrol officers. The equipment will be extremely beneficial to the citizens of Saginaw for the purposes of documentation and identifying suspects in various crimes.

Sam Merrill Memorial Pavilion
The family and friends of Sam Merrill well be dedicating a pavilion at the Saginaw Township North Little League complex on North Center Road in Saginaw Township. The building will house a concession stand, restrooms, and patio area. Construction is scheduled for this fall as a tribute to Sam who was a well-known news anchor for WNEM-TV5 in Saginaw, and a member of the Downtown Saginaw Rotary Club.

Saginaw On Stage Music Festival is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media