Information on:

Atlanta Science Festival


The Atlanta Science Festival will celebrate the inherent integration of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in our lives today, share the impact they have on our community, and inspire us all to wonder about our future.

Our Mission is to engage the public in a celebration of our local science community, and the ways science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) help us to better understand and improve our world. Our goals are to:

Foster Connections
-Engage the public with all aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
-Strengthen connections between the sciences and the arts (STEAM)
-Provide opportunities for interactions between STEM professionals and the public

Build A Curious Community
-Generate interest in, understanding of, and public discourse on STEM among youth and adults.
-Celebrate and inspire curiosity.
-Expand our community of science enthusiasts across age, race, gender, income, and geography. Carry science programming into neighborhoods across Atlanta that is unique to the needs of each community.

Highlight Metro Atlanta
-Highlight metro Atlanta as a national and global leader in innovation, creating a greater public awareness of the science & technology industry and educational assets in our region.
-Support pathways for educational advancement in STEM from cradle to career.

Atlanta Science Festival is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
Upcoming Events at Atlanta Science Festival