Schedule of Events
Rodeo Matinee
8:00 am - 11am: Junior Market Swine Arrival & Check-in
6:30 am - 8:00 am: Open Poultry Large Fowl & Bantam - Cheek-In
7:00 am: -8:00 am: Junior Rabbit Meat Pen Check-In (Small Barn)
9:00 am: Jr. Market Rabbit Meal Pen Show
After the Show Jr. Market Rabbit Meal Pen Release
30 minutes after the Jr. Rabbit Meal Pen Shu' Junior Breeding Rabbit Check-In (Small Barn)
Immediately following check-in Jr. Breeding Rabbil Show
9:00 am: Open Poultry Large Fowl & Bantam - Judging
9:00 am: Open Junior Brahman Heifer Show
30 minutes after Jr. Brahman Show Open Livestock Show Brahman Division Split - Red & Grey
12:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Fair Entry Gales Open to the Public
12:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Carnival Midway Operating Hours
12:00 pm: - 11:00 pm: Motiva Kids Zone - Ford Pavilion
12:00 pm - 10:30 pm: Motiva Kids Zone - Pavilion - Petting Zoo Open
12:00 pm: -10:00 pm: Ford Auto Show - Exhibit Hall
12:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Livestock Barns Open lo the Public
1:00 pm: 2:00 pm: Sweet Southern Sound Free Music Stage - Food Plaza
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm: Motiva Kids Zone - Pavilion - Gator Country Reptile Show
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Sweet Southern Sound - Free Music Stage - Food Plaza
4:30 pm: -5:00 pm: Motiva Kids Zone - Pavilion - Gator Country Reptile Show
3:00 pm: -4:30 pm: Baking Contest Judging - Exhibit Hall
5:00 pm: -7:30 pm: YMBL Rodeo Matinee - Ford Arena
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Sweet Southern Sound - Free Music Stage - Food Plaza
6:00 pm: -7:00 pm: Junior Commercial I -1 Heifer Check-in & Weigh-in
7:00 pm: -8:30 pm: Sweet Southern Sound - Free Music Stage - Food Plaza
7:30 pm: -8:00 pm: Motiva Kids Zone - Pavilion - Gator Country Reptile Show
9:00 pm - 10:30 pm: Sweet Southern Sound - Free Music Stage - Food Plaza
11:00 pm: Open Show Cattle Must Be Out of Barn by
ll Open Show Cattle Releasing
Time for Premium Distributions for All Shows
11pm: Grounds Close
Additional Dates: