98th Annual New England Music Festival
Schedule Of Events:
Chorus Schedule
8:00AM- Chorus load buses from hotel wearing concert attire; breakfast provided
8:00AM - commuter students report to MPAC
9:00-11:00AM - Chorus rehearses in Library
11:00-11:45AM - Chorus Lunch
12-1:00PM - Chorus Dress Rehearsal in Auditorium
1-2:00PM - Chorus Line-up in Cafeteria
House opens at 1:30PM
Concert begins at 2PM
Band/Orchestra Schedule
8:30AM- Band/Orchestra load buses from hotel wearing concert attire; breakfast provided
8:30AM - Commuter students report to MPAC
9:00-10:15AM - Orchestra Dress Rehearsal in Auditorium; Band rehearsal Band Room
10:30-11:45AM - Band Dress Rehearsal in Auditorium; Orchestra Rehearsal in Band Room
11:45-12:30PM - Band & Orchestra Lunch
12:30-2:00 - Orchestra to Library and Band to Band Room - may be able to watch concert via live feed
3:00-3:30PM - Warm-up
3:30-4PM - Orchestra line-up
House Opens at 3:00PM
Concert begins at 3:30PM
Additional Dates: