Michigan Alpaca Fest

Michigan Alpaca Fest
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 from 8:00am to 2:00pm
Allegan County Fair
150 Allegan Co. Fair Drive

Come out to the Michigan Alpaca Fest Open to the Public. Admission is free, we will have a donation jar out if you are feeling generous.  The Michigan International Alpaca Fest is the longest running alpaca show in the country.  2025 marks our 27th year.  After a couple of years off for Covid, we hope everyone enjoyed the  brand new  look and feel for the Michigan International Alpaca Fest, now known as Michigan Alpaca Fest, still MiAF.    

Schedule of events:

7 AM
Doors Open to Breeders and Vendors

8 AM
Walking Fleece Awards
Vendors Open
Doors Open to Public

8:30 AM
Judging Resumes​

11:00 AM
Herdsire Silent Auction Ends

2:00PM, or when judging is done
Vendors close
Doors Close to Public
End of Show
Please Remember to clean out your stalls