Schedule Of Events:
10am: Rondy Raffle at Rondy Shop in a Livestream Video on Facebook
10am - 10pm: Alaska State Snow Sculpture Championship at Ship Creek Ave, Across from Comfort Inn
11am - 3pm: Auction, Fur – Day 2 at 3rd Ave and E St (Carnival Lot)
Mall hours: Fur Rendezvous Juried Amateur Photo Contest at Midtown Mall
Noon – 7pm: Fur Rondy Carnival at Fur Rondy Carnival
Times Vary: Fur Rondy Melodrama at 49th State Brewing Company
Noon: “Open” World Championship Sled Dog Races at 4th Ave and D Street
Vaires: Sled Dog Art Auction at Throughout Downtown
Snowshoe Softball Tournament at 16th Ave and Cordova (Kosinski Field)